Okay, so this might look like a Christmas craft project, but I swear it isn't! Anyone who is a fan of stripes and glitter--or in this case, wildlife--can create this cute canvas any month of the year.
I originally came across this idea on Pinterest from Hey Lauren Rene and immediately knew I had make one. Check it out!
The process for this project is simple. The only difficulty will depend on what you want your canvas to look like. Stripes? Solid color? A different type of glitter or patterned paper? Figure out what design you want to create and then collect your supplies.

The basic supplies you will need are paint and a paint brush, a canvas (I used 12x12), craft paper, scissors, glue/tape/modge podge, and a deer decal (which you can find on Lauren Rene's blog!) You could also use a jar of glitter if you'd prefer, but craft paper allows for a much cleaner process.
Start off by creating the background for the canvas. If you plan on creating black and white stripes, measure and draw your lines before painting. If you're a messy painter like me, you might want to use painters tape to get straighter lines.

Next, paint on your background. While it's drying, you can work on the deer decal! Here is where you'll need a little patience...

The easiest way to use the decal is to trace it onto the back of the glitter craft paper. Cut out your traced deer and you're in the homestretch! If scissors are too big to fit around the deer's antlers, try an x-acto knife! Just be careful not to cut off part of an antler. Whoops.
Once you peel the painters tape, attach the glitter deer to the canvas and ta da! Your decoration is complete. When I made this project it was around the holidays and it definitely complimented our sparkly Christmas tree.

But, a splash of gold is one of the best ways to spice up a room. That's why I'm keeping this canvas up year round! I love stripes and gold.. and my boyfriend is a hunter.. so it's pretty much the most appropriate decor available. :)
Have you attempted any similar canvas crafts? Share your projects!
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