Well here's an exciting story for you! A couple months ago, I found out CNBC gives away gift packages through Twitter during Shark Tank Tuesdays. I believe my exact response was, "I'm going to win one." I was confident and determined. So determined that I religiously followed along every Tuesday night for a month and a half but never saw any signs of freebies. My confidence failed and I gave up.
A couple weeks later, I happened to visit Twitter randomly at the right time, and there it was. "Stay tuned, we will be giving away Shark Tank boxes momentarily! Be one of the first 20 users to tweet..." SUCCESS!

By pure dumb luck I was one of the winners! I provided my information and the box arrived at my doorstep by the weekend. CNBC sure knows how to keep its fans happy. As if Shark Tank marathons weren't enough, now we get to experience the products!

"Here's an exclusive gift just for you - a box of Shark Tank goodies. Recognize any items? All of these businesses survived the tank and managed to nab investments." Of course I remember the items! Chris and I have seen most of the episodes twice at this point.

Here's the box in all its glory! According to CNBC's information, all of the items plus shipping makes this around a $100 prize. I think one of my favorite parts isn't even one of the products - it's the box itself. Check out the top of the lid and the big bite taken out of it! I'm not sure how I can re-purpose this once all the products are used, but I will find a way. It's too great to throw out. Now let's take a look at the items it came with!

Nuts 'N More - Chocolate Peanut Butter: Yes. A million times yes. I cannot wait to try this. I'm imagining a giant Reese's Cup crushed into a creamy deliciousness. Okay, I'm not sure if that's what it will really be like, but chocolate and peanut butter are the best combo ever. I love peanut butter. I love chocolate. I will eat all of this and probably make myself sick.

Pork Barrel BBQ Sauce: Chris is pretty excited to use this one. I'm not big on pork, or meat, or any barbequed food in general, so I'll let him be the judge. If it was good enough for Barbara to invest in, I'm sure it tastes great! If it's hard to tell, this is a regular sized bottle of sauce - no sample sizes here!

MarzSprays - ReBoot Energy Spray: Be ALERT! Be FOCUSED! Be MORE PRODUCTIVE! The label certainly says it all. It looks like this company also sells sleep sprays and sprays for kids, so they have quite the variety. Since I avoid caffeine and energy drinks, I'll be giving this to a friend. Hi Jacob, I know you'll use it more than you probably should.

OrigAudio - Fold N' Play Recycled Speakers: Named one of the "50 Best Inventions of 2009," these little speakers are pretty cool. You fold them to set up and unfold when you want to put away. The best part is nothing has to be plugged in! All you do is attach the cord to the device you want to play! My only complaint is the speakers are a little top heavy and tend to fall over. I think we need to weigh them down with books for a while.

Gobie H20 Filtered Water Bottle: And last but not least, this nifty invention right here. This water bottle, complete with carrying case, includes a filter attached to the mouthpiece. Meaning if you are on the run and don't have access to perfectly filtered water, look no further! Pour that tap water right into your bottle and be on your way. The best part about this is clearly the invention itself - imagine how much this could be developed and the benefits it could have on third world countries? It's a pretty genius idea.
Thanks for the opportunity to try some authentic Shark Tank products, CNBC! Be sure to catch the new season of Shark Tank this September on ABC. But remember, if you can't wait that long, tune in every week for Shark Tank Tuesdays! If you follow CNBC on Twitter, maybe you'll win next!
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