Well here we are. The easiest DIY craft project that ever existed. What, you don't believe me? Even the least crafty person can handle this one. If you like feathers, gold, and glitter, this is the project for you! To give credit where credit is due, I found this idea over at The Copenhaven.

Here's my uber professional work space. Fancy set up, eh? If I was paying more attention to preparation, I would have covered the entire table with a plastic bag... but I did not. And of course, glitter got absolutely everywhere. Again. Whoops!

The necessary supplies. This never ending jar of glitter was a great investment from Hobby Lobby.

First things first: cover your feathers with an adequate amount of paint. You can scrape off any excess paint on the side of the container you use. I chose to use a teeny tiny dixie cup, but I also had teeny tiny feathers to work with. You may want to use something bigger if you buy large feathers!

Step 1: dip feathers in gold paint. Complete.

Step 2: find your never-ending glitter supply and sprinkle a generous amount. Even after you let the feathers dry, you will still lose glitter. I'm convinced it will fall off forever unless you use a sealer or clear spray paint.

Step 3: figure out a way to dry each of your gold-dipped glittered feathers adequately. The most convenient thing I could think of was taping each feather to a cardboard box. This way, any loose paint or glitter would drip onto the plastic bag below. To be safe, let the feathers dry overnight and shake off excess glitter when you are ready.

If you're worried about glitter falling off, I would recommend sealing it with Modge Podge or a clear spray paint like I mentioned before. But you might have a true love for glitter and enjoy seeing it everywhere.. that's up to you!

And that's it! I chose to display the feathers in an inkwell and conveniently found one on ebay for $5! We recently bought these two shelves from Target (clearance!) and are still decorating them. I think these beauties have found their new home. Though I still have a few feathers that need to be put to use... Any suggestions??
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